Entries by Samuel J. Mac

Setting boundaries in a relationship

If I had to break down all relationship issues to one single factor, it would be boundaries being disregarded. From trivial arguments to gross acts of unfaithfulness, it is the absence of clearly understood boundaries that is to blame. Boundaries in the context of a relationship refer to the points at which acceptable behaviour crosses […]

The power of using nicknames

When it comes to dating and relationships, nicknames are a severely underrated and underused concept. Coming up with fitting nicknames is not going to make or break a relationship, but it can definitely help in creating a deeper sense of familiarity and connection. Sometimes a nickname will spontaneously arise. If not, most people default to […]

There is no such thing as the perfect partner… or is there?

At the start of every dating seminar I speak at, I ask the attendees what their ultimate goal is with regards to dating and relationships. By far the most common answer is to end up with “the one”… that one special person that matches all of their core values and surpasses everything else they look […]