My personal path to a fulfilling relationship

If you are not a follower of my twitter profile then you may be wondering where this week’s article is. I decided to have a short break from updates for a few weeks so you can all enjoy your holidays and have time to apply some of the advice I have given throughout the past year.

Christmas is a great time for improving our dating lives and enriching our relationships, so try and make the extra effort to both socialise and appreciate loved ones over the holiday period!

Another reason for this short Christmas hiatus is that I am busy working on a new book for you lovely people. I don’t want to reveal too much yet but it will incorporate a lot of the ideas I discuss on this website along with completely new content.

My personal path to a fulfilling relationship:

As a further festive treat, I have created a four-minute video that will let you understand my personal path to a fulfilling relationship a bit better.

I advocate a proactive attitude towards dating and as a consequence, I created the following four-step process for finding the perfect partner:

  1. Know what you are looking for [related article]
  2. Meet a LOT of people [related article]
  3. Experience different relationships [related article]
  4. Repeat until you find that truly special person [related article]

Below is a video of my personal journey through this process (chronicling the years 2005-2009):

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🙂

Much love,


13 replies
  1. fluffosaur
    fluffosaur says:

    You made a video of all your ex’s? =)

    Or am I missing the point… I think I’d break up with a guy who took the time to do that. 😉

    • Samuel McCrohan
      Samuel McCrohan says:


      Hehe well I was hoping it wouldn’t come across quite like that! Aside from wanting to test my video-editing skills, the educational aspect was meant to encourage people through example to take action if they actually want to find someone they really connect with on a deep and intimate level. It was meant to show how I’m not with Heidi through luck, chance or a lack of other options… I made the effort to meet lots of different women (making lots of great friends along the way), whilst working out what I really wanted in a relationship and learning to understand women to the stage I am at now. Then at the end of it, Heidi was the one who I mutually decided to be with.

      It’s fair to say that most people don’t make this untold effort, and limit themselves to a far smaller batch of people to find a fulfilling relationship from, such as small social circles and branches of those social circles. Whilst they can still come out the other side in a happy relationship and obviously lots of people do, I personally wanted to make sure I was really with someone as good as it gets for me. It stands to reason that this is true for most people.

      Heidi understands that had I not gone through this process, I would probably never have met her (especially in the way that I did) and I would be a far less developed boyfriend had I not learnt from those many previous relationships.

      It was also a video so that people can relate to me a bit better. They aren’t all ex-girlfriends in the first half of the video but I did meet them all through my own doing, and the majority of the people shown remain good friends of mine… even the ex-girlfriends! 🙂

      Hopefully that explains it a bit better… Please don’t break up with me!! 🙂


  2. Joan
    Joan says:

    Well I like the video Sam, very professional. I guess I understand what you are getting at with the 4 step thing you mentioned although I know it would be hard to see my boyfriend with lots of ex-girlfriends. I guess I shouldnt though. What kind of timespan are those pictures taken over? You look a lot older in some pictures than others?

    I’m excited about this ebook you mention though. I actually have lots of ebooks on this computer that I never get round to reading but I will be sure to read yours if it is as good as the stuff here. Any hints at what it is about? I’m just about to catch up on the last few posts I havent had a chance to read yet.

    Christmas wishes

    Joan <3

    • Samuel McCrohan
      Samuel McCrohan says:

      Hi Joan,

      I understand what you mean but like I said in the comment above, I know my other-half wouldn’t be the same person without that unique past of theirs. This goes for past boyfriends and girlfriends too. You learn something from every relationship so without that experience, it is very hard to know exactly what is right for you. Like you said, the video wasn’t meant to emphasise that part of it anyway and it was more about highlighting the process I believe is the only way to find a partner who is not just satisfactory, but is PERFECT! 🙂

      As for the time-span, the pictures were taken over the last four or five years. I didn’t have time to sift through all the thousands of photos I have so they are all fairly randomly selected from various albums.

      I’m glad you’re excited about the e-book. I’m afraid I’m going to keep the contents as a surprise for now as it is still in the draft stages but it will combine both dating and relationship principles to create something that everyone can use. I’m also going to make sure it is fully complete before releasing it so I’ll give more updates when I can, probably mainly on twitter.

      Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for commenting, 🙂


    • Samuel McCrohan
      Samuel McCrohan says:


      Yes that’s fine although I would appreciate you linking back to where you got the quote from on my website.

      I am on twitter… You can find my profile by clicking on the twitter logo at the top of this page



  3. Elena
    Elena says:

    Sam, thank you for the inspiring video. It was lovely. You and Heidi seem made for each other. I hope that 2010 is a great year for you both and brings you much luck and happiness.

    • Samuel McCrohan
      Samuel McCrohan says:

      Hi Elena, Happy New Year!!

      Thanks a lot for your wishes and I obviously return the sentiment to you too. 🙂 will resume with rejuvenated furore next week!


  4. Chriddy
    Chriddy says:

    Just found this… You guys are gorgeous! Well, Heidi makes up for you… 🙂 I like the second half of the video WAY more though:) Can we start a video editing business?

    • Samuel McCrohan
      Samuel McCrohan says:

      Hey Chridmeister General!

      Thanks a lot… I’m actually wearing a mask in all the photos so Heidi doesn’t feel too bad… I’m way more gorgeous than that normally! 🙂

      I was going to ask for you to submit a portfolio of your video-editing skills for approval before we do business together… but then of course I remembered that I already have such media… “[accent of Cletus from Simpsons] Happy Birthday Sam” A+ 🙂


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